Sunday, 3 July 2016

Ozone hole is healing

New studies have shown ozone layer over the Antarctic has grown denser than previously measured.


Ozone is a molecule that is formed by 3 oxygen atoms (O3). it has a very protective function in the stratosphere (one of layers surrounding the earth), it prevents the harmful UV-b rays from the sun, entering in to earth.

The UV-b rays has the capacity to cause mutations which leads to cancer.


In the turn of 20th century, due to  use of harmful CCF (chlorofluorocarbons), ozone over the poles had become thinner (ozone hole).

In 1989, "Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer" was implemented, it was an international treaty designed to protect the ozone layer by banning CFCs.


After the treaty, Ozone levels in the stratosphere was regularly monitored, it was found ozone depletion significantly reduced, now it has thickened proving the treaty worked.

And so

Human's action have affected the earth in dangerous ways, these hazards might leave our future generations without a sustainable environment, this news that the ozone is healing shows that our destructions are reversible. 

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