Zika is a virus which is transmitted primarily by Aedes mosquitoes (also responsible for the transmission of dengue virus).
Outbreaks of Zika virus disease have been recorded in Africa, the Americas, Asia and the Pacific. It was first found in the forest of Zika, while testing an experimental rhesus monkey.
Zika usually causes a mild self limiting fever associated with rashes, body pain, blood shot eyes.
It was first isolated in 1947 in Uganda (zika forest), later slowly spread all over Africa and Asia. In 2007 it affected hundreds of people in a tiny southern Pacific Island called Yap. It was not until 2014 it was considered a potential public health emergency.
It was found that Zika virus can cause complications like microcephaly (small head in new born babies) which in turn causes severe neurological abnormalities in the infant, and also a fatal autoimmune disease called Gullian Barr syndrome (weakness of muscles).
Zika is spreading in countries like Brazil, Mexico and USA and it has no vaccine. The spread to Brazil is very significant now, because of the Rio Olympics, which will mean sportspersons from all over the world will visit Brazil and can transmit the infection to their respective countries. Which can result in a pandemic.
And so
Awareness among pregnant and young women, and mosquito control are some of the measures taken by countries in the Americas (North and South),
The USA's Congress even put forth a billion dollar plan to control the virus, but it was voted out.
Zika scare has even made some athletes to drop out of competing in the Olympics.
If you are in a region with a Zika virus outbreak, protect yourself from mosquito bites by fully covered clothing, mosquito nets, and if you are a pregnant women report any signs of fever, and take regular tests, stay safe.
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