Watch this video👇
Which states all that humans have two lives. Dalits are living their first and the upper castes are living their second.
And by serving the second time humans they can wipe away their sins
The Dalits were given jobs the
other castes considered dirty like butchering, cleaning...
They were made to live in segregated localities, disallowed from entering temples
Activist like Ambedkar brought the plight of Dalits to center stage leading to abolition of untouchability, Implementation of quotas...
Situation of dalits has improved, by 1995 17% of all jobs and 10% of all leaders in the government were held by dalits.
India even went on to elect it's first Dalit President, and there are many Dalit elected representatives in the government
But the lives of Dalits is far from perfect, nearly 36% of Dalits in rural areas, and 25% in Urban areas are still in poverty.
33% of jail inmates are
dalits, 94% of all death row convicts are
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