Thursday, 21 July 2016

USA kills 73 (identified) civilians in Syria

                                The guardian


USA and it's joint forces are fighting against ISIS, in Syria for nearly two years. A US force has killed almost 117 civilians this Tuesday in an airstrike.


Manbij city in Syria is under the control of ISIS, USA and its forces have been bombing ISIS targets and their planes in the city for 2 months, ISIS is in the verge of losing the city, as it's being surrounded on all sides by the USA lead forces.


USA bombed a site which has a cluster of houses, these houses were shelter for around 200 civilians, many of them women and children, these civilians were alleged misunderstood for ISIS fighters, bombs were dropped on them. Out of the 117 (some human right sources) who died, only 73 bodies were identified, the rest were reduced to pieces or still caught in the rubbles,  making them unidentifiable. Another 50 injured civilians have been taken to a hospital.

This attack is the not the first time USA has killed civilians in Syria, some human rights activist believe USA must have killed at least 190 civilians since it started bombing Syria. They also fear that US is not paying much attention to being careful not to produce any civilian casualties, since the number of civilian death (15%) in Syria deaths is slowly on the rise.

And so

USA and it's allies have long taken the coward's way to face terrorist threats, "airstrikes". Tossing drones from the sky, might give them and their soldiers an advantage, but it's very destructive for the people who live in the countries they say they are fighting for. Is saving people the real reason behind these wars?, if so why are the people who are supposed to be saved from terrorist, caught between rubbles, sandwiched between walls, and consumed by vultures?. 

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