Monday, 1 August 2016

Child marriages in India

Watch this one minute video on child marriages

Renu is working hard this year, thinking if does well in the 10 th boards they will let her study further. (Fictional)


She is one of the 47% of girls in India, who are married before they reach 18.


At 10, she was married off to a boy who was few years older.

Families do not call their daughter in laws, to their houses immediately, many wait until they are 15.

She is not against arranged marriages, but she just wants to delay until she is educated enough to get a job.


Though child marriage is illegal,  the practice is very prevalent in India, as it's rooted into our culture.

States like Bihar and Rajasthan  have the highest rates of child marriages.


Child marriages stem from prejudices that a girl is safer if she is married after puberty.

And from the belief that it'll be difficult to find a groom if she is


Child marriages strip a girl's freedom, and places her in a position of lifetime of labor in the kitchen.

Causes children to be exposed to sexual intercourse, even before they understand what it is.

Increase the rates of teenage pregnancies, in turn the rates of maternal (mother) and fetal (baby) death.

And so

Girls like Renu have started understanding how education is imminent to transform their life.

More children have started approaching police stations and courts for justice.

But there are many 9 years and 10 years olds still getting dressed in colorful gowns

Covered with decorated garlands, Without any idea that the rest of their life has already been decided.

How do think we can solve this this problem?,  and what do think causes child marriages?.

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