Monday, 2 January 2017

Mulayam Singh and his baby Akhilesh Yadav -game of thrones ( satire)

Mulayam singh yadav and his son are still fighting over who gets to be the Samajwadi party's supremo like it's their house. If anyone of you has been living under a rock for the past couple of days here is what happened, Mulayam Singh is old so the people who used to lick his boots have started licking his son Akhilesh Yadav's, because he is the current CM of Uttar Pradesh, and they depend on him to get their monthly bribes, cuts and other favours.

The veteran who used to be the center of all attention got jealous over his party folks drooling over his son instead of him, and so he called up Akhil and said "beta, I want to be incharge again", but lil Akhilesh didn't like his old man giving him advices so he threw him in a home for old age people. Mulayam Singh is rich so he bought the old age home he lived in, and united all the old folks in the home, and tried to take over the Samajwadi party's headquarters armed with walking sticks and beetle nut juice as their weapon, the party security were too afraid to stop them from entering them from building, because they thought shouting stop loudly would give them a heart attack.

They finally sneaked into the announcement room of the party
after taking 12 breaks while walking 2 flights of stairs, Mulayam Singh Yadav announced he had suspended his son for six years, but lil Akhilesh Yadav laughed at his father and made himself the the party's national president 2 minutes after his father's earth shattering announcement, the post was previously held by Mulayam, and it was given to him to make him believe that he still had some power. After Mulayam understood he had no real power anymore, he announced he is going to take Akhilesh back into the party, even though it was not his decision to make.

Akhilesh yadav in a interview with the media amidst all the scuffle said that he and father are still close and his father is still his leader, he met the media shortly after he hid his father's fake teeth under the sofa so he can't find it. 

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