Tuesday, 2 May 2017

How to get slim in seven days

Put on weight is easy. All you need just an undisciplined lifestyle. And when your consciousness ( which was in deep slumber) triggers you to bring on a sparkling revolution to your daily unhealthy routine, the idea of shedding some pounds out of your body hit your brain. Shedding pounds is not as easy as it sounds. And even it becomes harder when you wish to get a slim body at home, without any exercise, and shockingly, within 7 days. Follow these simple six steps.

Yes to Healthy Breakfast
Breakfast is the first meal of our day. And skipping breakfast can shatter your whole idea of 7 days getting slim regime. So don't skip your breakfast if you want to get a slim body at home in 7 days, without any physical workout.

Reduce Calorie Intake
If you want to get a slim and trim body at home, without any exercise, you have to choose your calories very wisely. Cut out at least 500-750 calories from your daily intake. And this means you should take leafy veggies, fruits, whole grains, and lean protein foods in your diet. They produce fewer calories so that within 7 days you become slim.

Adopt Healthier Cooking Process
Switch to cooking methods which require little oil, like, steaming, roasting, boiling, grilling etc. if you want to get slim without any exercise.

Eat Slowly
Do not gobble your food, like you will never get it again. Chew thoroughly at a slow pace, for it will reduce your food intake.
Ditch Alcohol, Processed Foods, Junk Foods and Sweet
I know it is hard, but how to get slim follows this rule. You have to say goodbye to every kind of junk food, processed food, alcohol, and sweet to get slim at home just within 7 days, without any physical workout.

Keep Yourself Hydrated
Keeping yourself hydrated should be on top of everything when you are about to embark a weight loss regime. If you want to get slim at home in 7 days without exercise, add at least 4-5 liters of water or other beverages in your diet.

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